Saturday, September 15, 2012

More Truffles!!

So two of my friends are getting married today, Sonya & Warren. So I agreed to make a big batch of chocolate truffles for their wedding reception. Here they are, all 82 of them!! I bought the brown candy cups for this project, and turns out they were too small. So I had to use the white cups that I had in my crafting stuff, unfortunately, I ran out!! Ah well, who cares what the candy cups looks like right? Its all about the chocolate!!

I've made chocolate truffles twice before this, but they were hand rolled ganache dipped in liquid chocolate and left to harden. This batch was made using two different chocolate molds:  swirl chocolate molds and the "cherry flip" mold. I ended up doing 7 1/2 trays worth of truffles.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The chair project is finally done!

It turned out to be wayyyyy harder that I expected, but I am happy with the end result. Here are pic of the finished reupholstered chair. This is the original post about the chair in case you want to see the before pics.
The hardest part was definitely the upper back of the chair.

I ended up making a throw pillow to go with it as well. 

Things that I learned: Don't agree to a project before getting a good idea of what you are getting in to!
Oh, I learned something else too, about how when the going gets tough, I prefer to ignor the issure rather than fight though to the end. I now have a much better appreciation for what professional upholstery and small time furniture manufacturers go through. Also, I may not be agreeing to any other reupholstery projects for a while, just saying...